​​Hockey Mom Foundation
Jane Opre
Photo of Stephanie Lock,
Jane's Daughter, and
Foundation Board VP
​As far back as my memory goes, I have been attending hockey games, starting with my brother's. My parents, in particular my Mom Jane, were always involved with his team. Then I went off to college at Oswego State where I met my husband...yes, a hockey player.
We thought we needed some more hockey players, so we had 4 sons and 5 years later a daughter, definitely NOT a hockey player. All 4 sons started skating around 3-4 years old and our world would never be the same. We got lucky at first and put 3 of them on the same team, but soon things changed drastically with each son on a different travel team.
We went from Toronto to Pittsburgh to Michigan to Cleveland and beyond. Our home calendar became something we couldn't live without. It was color coded for each child so we knew where and when each child had to be at the rink with our daughter in tow. We even hosted many team parties in our home.
We have encountered so many wonderful hockey families along the way and have loved every minute of it. I see first hand, in my boys' character, why my Mom Jane gave so much of her time to scores of hockey players through the years as an college advisor, mentor, and resident Hockey Mom for the Buffalo Junior Sabres.
As my Hockey Mom career winds down (I only have two left in high school), I am excited to dedicate some time to a foundation that will hopefully provide an avenue for others to give back in the name of so many fantastic Moms that self-sacrifice to allow their children to play the greatest game. ~ Jane Opre's Daughter, and Hockey Mom Foundation Board Vice President, Stephanie Lock